Art Therapy

art of stress managementThere are times when words cannot convey our deeper emotions and feelings.  This is where an Art Therapy session or workshop lets you safely explore and develop a deeper understanding of your own psyche.

Art allows us to appreciate what the artist has portrayed. We may have a very different interpretation or emotional response than that of the artist. Our perception is layered with societal, cultural and familial overlays.  By exploring our responses to an artwork or an Art Therapy exercise, we can begin to understand our subconscious reactions to past events and shift our consciousness.

emotions and artCreating our own art, can lead to a discovery of the inner self.

We attach deeper meanings to symbols or objects within the artwork. This reflects what often cannot be expressed verbally. Through the creation of images, subsequent analysis and interpretation you then access these unconscious stimuli. Art shows what is hidden within and needs to be expressed.

Art Therapy is an ideal way to manage stress and one doesn’t need to be an accomplished artist to create meaningful images.

It can be said that art is the lens through which we focus our perception.

Four Steps

Just four basic steps that you can take to improve your emotional health.  Start this therapeutic journey and begin to see your emotional health change.

Firstly, reduce emotional overload by having a trusted person or counselor to debrief to

Secondly, start to be more conscious of what triggers unhelpful emotions

Thirdly, record or journal your emotional responses to triggers and

Finally, create a space for authentic self reflection.


Art TherapyEmotions arise from our thoughts.

For example, it is more than likely that these are influenced by events, people, places and circumstances that we have experienced from the time we are born to the present moment.

Above all, the process of examining your thoughts, emotions and beliefs around the feelings, means you gain a better understanding of the emotions you experience.


Consequently,  I am pleased to offer The Art of Stress Management workshops to help you navigate turbulent times. These are available for workplace wellness programs and for small groups. Private sessions are also available.