
Reiki at balance4life

There are times when you just want to be nurtured. Less talk and most importantly,  more relaxation.  A Reiki session can give you that and more. Furthermore, you may be pleasantly surprised by the subtle changes that can occur in a Reiki session. For a truly transformational session, ask about including Hypnotherapy to enhance your experience.

You may decide to undertake training in Reiki and my specialty is 1:1 training. This can be taken in person or online to all levels and is delivered “on demand” – meaning that when you are ready for the training, it can be scheduled, keeping weekends free if that is what you desire.  Level 1 training includes Animal Reiki at no extra cost.

Reiki sessions

Did you know Reiki can be delivered by remote sessions?

These Distance Healing sessions are scheduled just like an in person session at a time convenient to both of us. Ideally you are in a place where you won’t be disturbed for an hour or so. The session includes a follow up by phone, Skype or Zoom to give you feedback – just as if you were attending in person.

Reiki for Stress managementAn hour of “me time”.  Initially your mind may be racing with thoughts, but as the session progresses and you settle into it and you allow the energy to flow to where it needs to go, you will find that your mind quietens. You may experience heat or tingling during the session and sometimes long forgotten emotions may resurface.  And that’s OK.  The effects of a Reiki session will stay for some time and it is important to allow yourself time to integrate the energy over the next day or so. You may have some “A Ha” moments during the day or vivid dreams that night as the energy flows to where it is most needed. Time on the Reiki table is wonderfully relaxing and a short “de brief” is held at the end of the session to discuss any energy felt by both you and Meg.

Reiki + Reading

Having an Oracle Card reading alongside your Reiki session can enhance the experience and deliver greater insights and clarity.

Reiki Training

Reiki at Balance4LifeIf you feel drawn to taking Reiki, but don’t feel that you want to commit to an organized class, then you have come to the right place as I specialize in one to one training. 

Why one to one? I have observed over the years that many people have put off learning about Reiki because workshops are scheduled at weekends or you have other commitments. 1:1 training means that we co-ordinate a time for you that is manageable. Half days or evenings. Once a week and yes, even weekends. This type of training is designed to fit in with your busy schedule. You are the focus of the training and it is my intention that you get undivided attention and as much information and practice as is possible. If you are planning to work as a Reiki Therapist, Level 2 is the minimum standard.  You can read a student’s testimonial:  Why_I_Learn_Reiki HERE

Reiki PrinciplesHow I discovered Reiki

The first experience I had was whilst teaching Japanese at a Secondary College. A colleague saw that I was stressed and put her hands on my shoulders. A peaceful warmth, then my brain felt like it had turned to lemonade bubbles!!!

I knew then that this was something I needed to learn more about. So it came about that in 1991 I took Level I and Level II with Ann Adcock.  Ann assisted Beth Grey who introduced Reiki to Australia. I used Reiki to reduce my stress, on the family as well as at school to create a calmer classroom.

It wasn’t until 2000 that I began my Master Teacher training and since then I have trained students to all levels and continue to give Reiki sessions to clients both in person and with distance sessions.

For more information about the REIKI LINEAGE click here.
