Tag Archives: focus

The Mindful Magic of Doodling

Creative Solutions for Anxiety Relief


Are you seeking a simple yet effective way to alleviate stress and anxiety?

Look no further than the humble act of doodling. Beyond its reputation as a pastime for idle moments, doodling offers a gateway to mindfulness and mental well-being.

Doodling, the spontaneous act of drawing aimlessly, has been shown to engage the mind in a state of focused relaxation. As you let your pen wander across the page, your attention becomes absorbed in the present moment, effectively quieting the incessant chatter of anxious thoughts.


Here’s how doodling can be a powerful tool for combating anxiety:


HexagonMindful Engagement

 Doodling encourages you to concentrate on the here and now, fostering a sense of mindfulness. By immersing yourself in the act of doodling, you redirect your focus away from worries about the past or future, promoting a calmer mental state.

Stress Reduction
Engaging in creative expression through doodling triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This influx of dopamine can counteract the effects of stress hormones like cortisol, promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Expressive Outlet

Doodling provides a non-verbal means of expression, allowing you to channel your emotions and thoughts in a visual format.

Whether it’s abstract patterns, intricate designs, or simple sketches, doodling enables you to externalize your internal world, offering clarity and catharsis in the process.

Enhanced Focus
Contrary to popular belief, doodling can actually enhance concentration rather than detract from it. Research suggests that doodling can improve information retention and cognitive performance by preventing the mind from wandering too far afield, making it an ideal practice for staying grounded and attentive.
Accessible and Portable
One of the greatest advantages of doodling is its accessibility. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen, making it a convenient tool for managing anxiety anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the go, doodling can serve as a portable refuge from the demands of daily life.

Incorporating doodling into your routine doesn’t require artistic prowess or elaborate planning. Simply allow yourself to doodle freely, without judgment or expectation. Embrace the spontaneity of the process and let your imagination take flight.

So, the next time you find yourself grappling with anxiety, reach for a pen and let your creativity flow. Through the therapeutic power of doodling, you can cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and embark on a journey toward greater mental well-being.

How doodling can help your mental health

A simple and effective way to help your mental health is by doodling. “What is doodling?”  you may well ask. Doodling is drawing simple, spontaneous, and often repetitive lines, patterns, shapes, or designs. While it may seem like a mindless activity, doodling can serve as a powerful tool for relaxation and stress reduction.

There are various ways in which doodling is beneficial for your mental well-being and health:

Reducing stress:

Engaging in doodling can help redirect your focus and attention away from stressful thoughts and worries. It can be a form of mindfulness, as you immerse yourself in the creative process, allowing your mind to take a break from the pressures of daily life.

Improving concentration and focus:

Contrary to the perception that doodling can be distracting, it can actually improve concentration and focus, especially in situations where attention might wander, such as during lectures, meetings, or phone calls. Doodling can help maintain just enough cognitive engagement to prevent daydreaming or zoning out completely. I’ve found over the years that my retention of content in lectures or presentations is better when I have a page of notes complemented by various doodles in the margins.

Improved mood:

Doodling can stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Engaging in a creative activity like doodling can boost your mood and leave you feeling more positive and content.

Increased self-expression:

Doodling provides an outlet for self-expression, allowing you to express your thoughts, emotions, and ideas visually. It can be a non-verbal way to communicate your feelings and experiences.

Relaxation and mindfulness:

The repetitive and rhythmic nature of doodling can induce a state of relaxation and calm. It can be likened to a form of meditation, as you focus on the present moment and let go of external concerns.

Coping with anxiety:

Doodling can serve as a coping mechanism for anxiety. It provides a safe and constructive way to channel nervous energy and tension, helping to reduce feelings of restlessness and agitation.

Improved memory and learning:

Doodling engages both the creative and logical parts of the brain. Studies have shown that doodling while listening to information can enhance retention and understanding, making it easier to recall details later on.

Building confidence:

Doodling is a low-pressure way to explore your artistic abilities and build creative confidence. It’s not about creating perfect art; rather, it’s a free form and unrestricted form of expression. You may just surprise yourself with your finished product!

Boredom buster:

Doodling is an enjoyable and productive way to pass the time during periods of boredom or waiting. Having a small notebook and pen or pencil handy – especially if you have long waiting periods at the doctors – is a great way to engage your creative mind rather than zoning out on social media.

Remember, doodling should be a fun and spontaneous activity. There are no rules or expectations for what your doodles should look like. Embrace the process, and allow yourself the freedom to create without judgment. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a complete beginner, doodling is a simple and accessible way to nurture your mental well-being.

Reiki and Reading Sessions

Having an oracle card reading can complement a Reiki session by providing additional guidance, insights, and clarity. Here are five ways in which an oracle card reading can enhance your Reiki session:

Intuitive Guidanceleadership

An oracle reading can tap into your intuition and the wisdom of the cards or symbols used in the reading. This can offer guidance on specific aspects of your life, emotional patterns, or energetic blockages that might be relevant to your Reiki session.

Identifying Energetic Patterns

Oracle cards often reflect archetypal energies or themes. By drawing cards before a Reiki session, you may gain insights into recurring patterns, belief systems, or emotional states that are affecting your energy. This can help you to become aware of any patterns and release them during the session.

Setting Intentions

Oracle cards can assist in setting clear intentions for the Reiki session. By drawing cards that represent your desired outcomes or areas of focus, you establish a conscious intention for the healing process. This helps and directs the Reiki energy toward specific areas.

Deepening Self-Reflection

Oracle readings encourage self-reflection and introspection. By contemplating the messages and symbols in the cards, you may gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, thoughts, and energetic state. This self-awareness can create a more receptive and transformative environment during the Reiki session.

Release what hasn't workedValidation and Confirmation

Sometimes, an oracle reading can validate and confirm intuitive feelings or insights you have been experiencing. If you have been sensing certain imbalances or areas of growth, an oracle reading can provide affirmation and strengthen your trust in your own intuition.

Ready for your session?


So here we are….. in lockdown #2 for Melbourne.  I’m actually not complaining as I have more than enoufocusgh to keep me busy with the distraction of Lucy the Labrador and studies that not only nourish my mind and soul, but will create a new focus in my business later in the year. It’s a well known adage that what you focus on, you will find. If you have ever been shopping for a new car and decided on the make and model, then you will most likely start to see these more frequently. Likewise, if you start to focus on negative things or calamities, then you will most likely start to see or experience these things too.  I know a person who constantly expects the worst of people and businesses that they buy from and you can guess  what they create.  Vehicles that  break down or have defects,   dream holidays that turn into nightmares (& litigation) .. the list goes on….

In regards to the current situation, I certainly don’t want to minimalize the seriousness of the situation, but if the precepts of the Buddha are applied, then a positive outlook will support  you at this time.Imagine your good health (& take appropriate steps), keep in regular contact with like minded, positive souls to check in and buoy your spirits, reach out to those who you think might be struggling and offer some time to listen and affirm how they are going.

Let me explain…. if you are fearful – then you are in a stress response. Your stress hormones will signal  – and animals are sentient to this – your current emotional state.  Are you in  flight, fight or freeze mode?

Your imagination can create any amount of scenarios – good, bad or catastrophic.  By regular meditation/visualization/hypnosis- whatever you want to call it, you can create in your imagination a better or positive future, which your subconscious mind (like a 2 year old) will think is your current reality.  Imagine feeling good more often than feeling fear – you still need to to be sensible about precautions around social interactions.



Quality time

quality timeHow do you define quality time? I would define it as time where your focus is on that special person. It’s about being present, in the moment and holding space for both you and the person you are spending time with. Quality time can be a planned event or happen spontaneously.

Think of a friend that you haven’t seen for some time either because of distance or time constraints. During the time that you spend together – are you present or paying attention to your phone? If it is the latter, then you are not spending quality time with them.  Even if you have put the phone away and you still have the “monkey mind” chattering away, you are not present.

Spend quality time with those who are special, important and love you as much as you love them.*

Spending time with those who are important and love you as much as you love them creates the memories that carry you forward when they are no longer with you or you with them.  The memories I have of my grandparents are still vivid as when I stayed with them, they were present and paying attention to me.  Hearing Claire de Lune on the piano, takes me immediately back to Granny playing the piano.  Likewise, I pay attention to my grandchildren when I spend time with them. We play with cars, with blocks, create cubby houses out of blankets  and when I do bring my phone out (to take photos)  the 3 year old admonishes me, telling me to put the phone away!

Staying focused and being mindful can be learned either through coaching, meditation or Reiki. Giving a Reiki session to someone who holds a special place in your heart is the ultimate in quality time.

*The fifth of Five Steps to a Better You in 2020 – Steve Miller.

Attracting what you want

Attracting what you want through the Wisdom of the Soul

There are many ways of attracting what you want, from vision boarding to following the principles of the Law of Attraction. Far too often we will focus on what we don’t want and get that instead. If you don’t know how to attract what you do want, you can make some conscious changes. Firstly, make the decision to be in a state of constant, ever improving state of BEING. If this is a new concept for you, think about how the world has changed by constantly evolving. We are, after all human beings.

However, don’t change yourself to become something you are not as this damages your inner psyche and people will see you as inauthentic. Be who you are. Change comes about as you evolve.

When you are congruent you can live out your full potential and do everything that you came into this life to do. You are perfect for this journey! As you evolve and become more effective at using the talents that you already have, you will begin to attract what it is that you really want by doing what you do best.

You can use the BE, DO, HAVE model (see previous post) to create a wealth consciousness – attracting the abundance and prosperity that you so deserve.

Take note of what has worked for you in the past. As you become truly aligned with your inner self, you will find that obstacles disappear and nothing gets in the way as the energy flows. Creating a relationship with the universe, rather than focusing on outcomes builds the energy in a positive way.

For me, my regular vision page, done each New Moon helps to order my thoughts to create this alignment. Another key aspect to attracting what you want is to charge your focus by dreaming and thinking big.

What will you be seeing, feeling or saying to yourself when you achieve your goal or dreams? Notice your self-talk because what we perceive is what we are projecting. What we feel or how we believe in something affects the chances of success.

Again, take some time to notice what you tell yourself or what you are choosing not to do over the next 90 days. If you feel drawn to pursuing this further, then check out my Coaching Page HERE or use the contact form below to register your inquiry.

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There is an element of risk in most things – driving your car, walking down the street  –  life is full of possible risks and there is no guarantee that we won’t encounter risk of some sort in our lifetime. There is a great book, Feel the Fear and do it Anyway  by Susan Jeffers that encourages us to turn fear into action.

One oand the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossomf the benefits (yes, there are benefits) of coming down with the flu or something similar, is that it gives you time to reflect on a whole host of things and usually in an altered state of reality. Allowing yourself time to reflect is certainly part of the healing process and should you subscribe to the effects of various celestial events, all part of the process to work towards enlightenment.

I was recently gifted an Akashic Records session and accepted it without hesitation.  So, with the old adage in mind “nothing ventured, nothing gained”, the session was booked in. As the process began, I started to feel quite emotional which was unusual as the session was being done over the phone.  Allowing myself to go with the flow and experience this journey, it was somewhat disconcerting to hear the facilitator telling me she saw an archway behind me and a guide standing there. She wouldn’t have realized that the door to my clinic room was open and the hallway arch was behind me! The other images and metaphors that were revealed were equally as fascinating as the guides communicated through her to me.

Of interest to me was the observation that I have been getting sick as a result of fear of letting go. This certainly fitted in with my realization that I have had frequent illnesses since leaving teaching….. I need to fully let go of the unhelpful energies around a disappointing teaching position and open up to the flow and trusting that I will always be safe when connected to the Universe.

The session was over all too quickly and it inspired me to open up and offer some workshops to the wider public, rather than just my client list and within minutes I had an email indicating that someone would like to attend one of the workshops.

Having focused on what I wanted more of and taken the advice and opened myself to better opportunities and possibilities, I can see that there is truth in being aware of where your thoughts take you as there is a powerful energy in intention.

5 Steps to value your time

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time.”

M Scott Peck

  1. Track your time – create a spreadsheet in half hour blocks for each day of the week. Record when you are sleeping and all your other activities. Initially this may seem like you are “time wasting” but you will be surprised at what actually does take up your time. Include things such as time taken to travel to various places, shopping, showering, eating, etc.
  2. Prioritise – make a list of what is important. Sleep should be up there as a significant block of time as is time to spend with your nearest and dearest ones. Make sure you identify the difference between your regular “to do list” and projects you are undertaking. Set some deadlines for the completion of the tasks. You might also want to identify which activities are “fun” to do and those that are not. Reward yourself by doing the less fun ones first and the enjoyable ones later.
  3. Schedule or timetable everything else. Be flexible – you may want to create several schedules so that you get some variety each week. If you need to be on social media for your business, or answer emails then set aside some time to do that. There are numerous scheduling tools that can be used to automatically post to various platforms, but do make some of your posts spontaneous! For instance, I have a set time once a week to write blog posts (like this one). In that time I will write on a number of topics and save to a document to use later when I have scheduled in clients or have set time aside to prepare for upcoming workshops.
  4. Stop procrastinating – be honest with yourself. What excuses or reasons are you coming up with to justify your inaction? Do you value yours and other people’s time? Have you allowed enough time to get to your appointments?
  5. Focus – or learn the art of mindfulness. Multi tasking is so last century….. when your attention is divided, your energy is scattered. If you are following your schedule then you will complete tasks in what seems like no time at all. If your attention span is short, then schedule the tasks into small but incremental steps… the foundation of successful goal setting!


FocusWhich senses do we engage when we focus….. truly focus on something?

We can focus our eyes on something….I’m long sighted but have also developed a strong peripheral vision, which is useful when giving a public talk, wandering in the bush or just being aware of what’s going on around me. It’s kept me safe in dark car parks late at night.

We can focus our hearing… and as I become more aware that I’m losing some hearing in my left ear, it becomes important to place myself so that I do hear conversations. But listening isn’t just about what we hear, it’s also about “listening” to our inner voice or intuition.  When we listen to others it’s important to not only hear what is being said, but what is not. It’s about being present for the other person whilst putting our own inner chatter on hold as the conversation progresses.

We can focus on what we feel….. this could be a simple touch, a brush of a soft silk scarf or an emotion. Some emotions can catch us unawares, like the sudden gut wrenching sadness as we grieve the death of a loved one, a rush to the heart of love as you look down on the sleeping face of a young child. For some people, experiencing strong emotions are taking them into uncharted waters and when they let go and surrender to them, rather than being scared or uncertain, having a sense of wonder as they allow the energy to lead to personal transformation.

Transformation can be as quick or gradual as you allow it to be. It can be a pleasant journey into the future as we set down the burdens or baggage of the past. Forgiveness and gratitude are two companions that make that journey easier. Taking time to rest and reflect are also helpful in your quest to move forward. The letting go of what no longer serves you, perhaps participating in a “cutting the ties” visualization, remembering to breathe deeply and open yourself to new beginnings.

Focus on the breath…… What do you feel?

Close your eyes and breathe deeply again…. What do you see?

And once more…… eyes closed, breathe deeply…… focus……. What do you hear?

Setting up for New Year

Within youThis time of year can be filled with frantic activity to finish off chores, projects and to socialize, eat, drink and be merry.

It’s important to look after yourself and part of doing the best you can is to make sure that you don’t “burn the candle at both ends” and end up exhausted. Depleting your energy will leave you open to various ills, chills  and mental lethargy that seems to abound at this time of year. Not only that,  both your body and mind need to take a rest so that you can accomplish your future goals. This is particularly important with the round of New Year’s resolutions about to be made. Start your planning now to make realistic and achievable goals.

Firstly, taking time out to rest and rejuvenate is a way of showing love and respect for yourself. Sometimes others may not understand the need for this, but to be able to construct effective goals for the coming year, it is vitally important for you to identify what stressed you out in 2014 and ask yourself a couple of questions,  “What do I really want?”  and ” Why do I want it?”
Once you have the answers to these, write them down. This is the start to an effective goal setting strategy.

Meditation is a great way to have a fresh and rested mind and by setting the intent to do so you can release the worries from this last year with some simple visualization techniques, such as letting go of balloons that have your worries written on them, or clouds scudding across a sky and disappearing over the horizon.

What obstacles are in your way to creating a better year for yourself in 2015? Are they procrastination, being “busy”? Name the obstacles, in order to better plan around them or circumvent them popping up again. Awareness is the key to removing or resolving obstacles.

Who can help you achieve your goals? Or perhaps there are things that you need to put in place……  Be clear about what you want and communicate your needs with courage.

And finally you need a plan of action steps to take ……  there is no point in having goals if you are not going to DO anything.   You can dream all you like, but deep down you know that a goal is a dream with a deadline.

When are you going to implement your goals? Be specific. Take baby steps so you don’t get overwhelmed….. break it down so each step is achievable and moves you closer to your end goal.

Remember to plan for yourself, not what you think others would like you to do…. it means that you are stepping out of your integrity. Embrace the goals you have set for yourself, take a risk, acknowledge yourself and take action and let the universe reward you with abundance and transform your life…..