Category Archives: Focus

In the cards

Prompted by using a retro post for social media, I decided to take a peek at what is in the cards for me at the moment regarding my business. Covid has meant no face to face consultations and as we move to more on line interaction, some facets of business – not just mine – will change for ever. So what was in the cards for me today?

I used the same oracle card deck as before – The Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue and drew four cards, as one fell out with the last one. The cards were:

  • Stay Focused – always an apt  card for me – ” A reminder to stay focused on your intentions, desires and priorities. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by short term situations, dramas or other people’s demands”. A timely reminder that I have been procrastinating about finishing an assignment for my current studies!!
  • Purification – this one puzzled me until I read further….”This could be a signal to purify your motives and intentions so that they are purely about service and not about fear or competition…… Or it could simply mean adjusting your life so that all of your actions are in integrity with your true beliefs”.
  • Flow of Prosperity – “Tap into your manifestation power by focusing on abundance instead of worrying about money. You have nothing to fear. A new flow of prosperity is supporting you and your loved ones.”  There’s that word “Focus” again!
  • Positive Change – “Your likes and dislikes have changed. and you’ve outgrown situations that once appealed to you. These are positive developments signalling your spiritual growth. Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, as they’re pushing you to make necessary and positive changes. You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone in multiple areas of your life shift and flux, yet the universe always stands ready to support you  with whatever you ask for. Let go and enjoy this ride, because it is truly for the best. An additional meaning for this last card was to let go of procrastination – which certainly ties in with the earlier reminder in the cards.


So here we are….. in lockdown #2 for Melbourne.  I’m actually not complaining as I have more than enoufocusgh to keep me busy with the distraction of Lucy the Labrador and studies that not only nourish my mind and soul, but will create a new focus in my business later in the year. It’s a well known adage that what you focus on, you will find. If you have ever been shopping for a new car and decided on the make and model, then you will most likely start to see these more frequently. Likewise, if you start to focus on negative things or calamities, then you will most likely start to see or experience these things too.  I know a person who constantly expects the worst of people and businesses that they buy from and you can guess  what they create.  Vehicles that  break down or have defects,   dream holidays that turn into nightmares (& litigation) .. the list goes on….

In regards to the current situation, I certainly don’t want to minimalize the seriousness of the situation, but if the precepts of the Buddha are applied, then a positive outlook will support  you at this time.Imagine your good health (& take appropriate steps), keep in regular contact with like minded, positive souls to check in and buoy your spirits, reach out to those who you think might be struggling and offer some time to listen and affirm how they are going.

Let me explain…. if you are fearful – then you are in a stress response. Your stress hormones will signal  – and animals are sentient to this – your current emotional state.  Are you in  flight, fight or freeze mode?

Your imagination can create any amount of scenarios – good, bad or catastrophic.  By regular meditation/visualization/hypnosis- whatever you want to call it, you can create in your imagination a better or positive future, which your subconscious mind (like a 2 year old) will think is your current reality.  Imagine feeling good more often than feeling fear – you still need to to be sensible about precautions around social interactions.





Ten weeks of intentionTo form a clear intention you need to focus. “Focus on what?” you may ask. The old adage “ What you focus on grows” is very true. Think about the time when you were considering buying a new car. How many more times did you see that make or model on the road than before? Your subconscious mind has conveniently dialled in the details for you to start noticing it. Consequently if you focus on a restricted diet, your focus is more likely to be on the foods you can’t eat, rather than the end goal of being slimmer, healthier and at your desired weight.

Begin to pay better attention to what you are focusing on. When you pay attention or focus on what you don’t want – then that is what will show up.  When you focus your intent, you will begin to give yourself more choices.

Focus oracle card from Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Angels oracle pack.

Currently I’m undertaking a program that will help with an underlying health issue and the rather pleasant side effect is a reduction in weight and this is enabling me to make better choices.

My intention is to return to full health, therefore this week’s intention is to: Intend for my physical body to be healthy, filled with energy and my vitality restored by eating healthy, nutritious food.

To help you with your intentions for the next ten weeks, I suggest you do the Wheel of Life exercise which you can download for free. If any issues come up as a result of this, consider a coaching session using the promotional code given previously.

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Quality time

quality timeHow do you define quality time? I would define it as time where your focus is on that special person. It’s about being present, in the moment and holding space for both you and the person you are spending time with. Quality time can be a planned event or happen spontaneously.

Think of a friend that you haven’t seen for some time either because of distance or time constraints. During the time that you spend together – are you present or paying attention to your phone? If it is the latter, then you are not spending quality time with them.  Even if you have put the phone away and you still have the “monkey mind” chattering away, you are not present.

Spend quality time with those who are special, important and love you as much as you love them.*

Spending time with those who are important and love you as much as you love them creates the memories that carry you forward when they are no longer with you or you with them.  The memories I have of my grandparents are still vivid as when I stayed with them, they were present and paying attention to me.  Hearing Claire de Lune on the piano, takes me immediately back to Granny playing the piano.  Likewise, I pay attention to my grandchildren when I spend time with them. We play with cars, with blocks, create cubby houses out of blankets  and when I do bring my phone out (to take photos)  the 3 year old admonishes me, telling me to put the phone away!

Staying focused and being mindful can be learned either through coaching, meditation or Reiki. Giving a Reiki session to someone who holds a special place in your heart is the ultimate in quality time.

*The fifth of Five Steps to a Better You in 2020 – Steve Miller.