Tag Archives: intentions

Reiki and New Moon Manifesting

Reiki at Balance4LifeReiki and the practice of manifesting with the New Moon involve combining the energy and your intentions for the coming month to bring about positive changes in your life.

While they are separate practices, some people choose to combine them to enhance their manifestation efforts. Here’s an overview of each practice and how they can be used together:


Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It involves the practitioner channeling universal life force energy to promote healing, balance, and relaxation in the recipient. In a Reiki treatment, I use my hands to gently touch or hover over specific areas of the body, chakras, or energy centers, allowing energy to flow and facilitate healing. ssSessions often will reduce stress, promote emotional well-being, and enhance physical healing. It can also be applied to manifesting goals and intentions.

New Moon Manifesting:

The New Moon is a significant phase in the lunar cycle and is often associated with new beginnings, setting intentions, and manifesting goals. Many people believe that the energy of the New Moon can amplify their intentions and desires. As a result this makes it an optimal time to set new goals and manifest positive changes in various aspects of life.

To practice New Moon manifesting, take some time to reflect on your desires, set clear and specific intentions, and visualize your goals as already achieved. It can be helpful to use tools like vision boards, journalling, or meditation to aid your New Moon manifesting session.

Combining the two:

Combining New Moon manifesting with Reiki can be a powerful way to amplify your intentions and manifest your desires. During a New Moon, the energy is especially conducive to setting intentions, therefore by incorporating Reiki into your manifesting you will amplify the effect.

In addition the Reiki energy will help you clear blockages, release any negative energy or limiting beliefs that may be hindering your manifestations, and infuse your intentions with positive, healing energy. Most importantly, if you have been attuned to the Reiki energy, you can use the symbols and techniques to further enhance your manifestation meditation or visualization. This will allow the energy to flow to your intentions more effectively.

Remember that the effectiveness of these practices may vary from person to person, and it’s essential to approach them with an open heart and a clear intention. Whether you choose to combine New Moon manifesting with Reiki or practice them separately, they can both be valuable tools for personal growth, healing, and manifestation.



Ten weeks of intentionTo form a clear intention you need to focus. “Focus on what?” you may ask. The old adage “ What you focus on grows” is very true. Think about the time when you were considering buying a new car. How many more times did you see that make or model on the road than before? Your subconscious mind has conveniently dialled in the details for you to start noticing it. Consequently if you focus on a restricted diet, your focus is more likely to be on the foods you can’t eat, rather than the end goal of being slimmer, healthier and at your desired weight.

Begin to pay better attention to what you are focusing on. When you pay attention or focus on what you don’t want – then that is what will show up.  When you focus your intent, you will begin to give yourself more choices.

Focus oracle card from Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Angels oracle pack.

Currently I’m undertaking a program that will help with an underlying health issue and the rather pleasant side effect is a reduction in weight and this is enabling me to make better choices.

My intention is to return to full health, therefore this week’s intention is to: Intend for my physical body to be healthy, filled with energy and my vitality restored by eating healthy, nutritious food.

To help you with your intentions for the next ten weeks, I suggest you do the Wheel of Life exercise which you can download for free. If any issues come up as a result of this, consider a coaching session using the promotional code given previously.

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