Tag Archives: emotional wellbeing

Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries with Frenemies

In every social circle, there are friends, acquaintances, and then, occasionally, frenemies. Frenemies, or those who present themselves as friends but act in ways that undermine you, can be challenging to navigate. Establishing boundaries with frenemies is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you set those boundaries effectively and protect your well-being.
First – Understand the Frenemy Dynamic

Frenemies can often be subtle in their undermining actions, making it tricky to identify and address their behavior. Common traits of frenemies include:

  • Gossiping: They may spread rumors or talk negatively about you behind your back.
  • Backhanded Compliments: Their compliments often come with an undercurrent of negativity
  • Inconsistency in Behavior: They may be supportive one moment and critical the next.
  • Competition: They seem to view your achievements as a threat rather than a cause for celebration.

Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward setting necessary boundaries.

Why Boundaries Are Important.

Boundaries are essential in any relationship to ensure mutual respect and understanding. With frenemies, boundaries help protect your self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. They prevent the frenemy from having undue influence over your emotions and actions.

6 Steps to Establish Boundaries

  1. Identify the Behaviors That Need Addressing: Be clear about what actions or behaviors from the frenemy are unacceptable to you. This clarity will help you communicate your boundaries effectively.
  2. Communicate Clearly and Assertively: When setting boundaries, use “I” statements to express your feelings without sounding accusatory. For example, “I feel uncomfortable when you make jokes at my expense,” instead of “You always insult me.”
  3. Limit Personal Information Sharing: Keep your conversations with frenemies surface-level. Avoid sharing sensitive or personal information that they could use against you.
  4. Set Limits on Interaction: Decide how much time and energy you want to invest in the relationship. It’s okay to decline invitations or distance yourself if interactions with the frenemy leave you feeling drained or upset.
  5. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to maintaining boundaries. If a frenemy crosses a line, address it every time it happens. This reinforces your boundaries and shows that you are serious about them.
  6. Seek Support from True Friends: Surround yourself with friends who genuinely support and uplift you. Their positive influence can help counterbalance any negativity from frenemies.

Strategies for Maintaining Boundaries

  • Practice Self-Care: Prioritize activities that boost your mental and emotional health. Exercise, hobbies, and relaxation can help you stay resilient against any negativity from frenemies.
  • Reevaluate the Relationship: Over time, assess whether maintaining a relationship with a frenemy is worth the effort. Sometimes, it’s healthier to let go of toxic relationships altogether.
  • Use Social Media Wisely: Be mindful of your interactions on social media. You can unfollow or mute a frenemy without fully severing ties, reducing their presence in your digital life.

Dealing with Reactions

Frenemies might resist or react negatively to your boundaries. They might try to guilt-trip you, manipulate situations, or increase their negative behavior. Stand firm and remember why you set those boundaries in the first place. If necessary, limit your contact further or seek advice from a trusted friend or counsellor. Better still, work on strengthening your own Emotional Intelligence so that you can construct effective boundaries.

Establishing and maintaining boundaries with frenemies is a proactive step toward safeguarding your emotional and mental well-being. By identifying problematic behaviors, communicating assertively, and being consistent, you can manage these challenging relationships more effectively. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your happiness and peace of mind over maintaining a relationship that brings negativity into your life.

Reiki and New Moon Manifesting

Reiki at Balance4LifeReiki and the practice of manifesting with the New Moon involve combining the energy and your intentions for the coming month to bring about positive changes in your life.

While they are separate practices, some people choose to combine them to enhance their manifestation efforts. Here’s an overview of each practice and how they can be used together:


Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It involves the practitioner channeling universal life force energy to promote healing, balance, and relaxation in the recipient. In a Reiki treatment, I use my hands to gently touch or hover over specific areas of the body, chakras, or energy centers, allowing energy to flow and facilitate healing. ssSessions often will reduce stress, promote emotional well-being, and enhance physical healing. It can also be applied to manifesting goals and intentions.

New Moon Manifesting:

The New Moon is a significant phase in the lunar cycle and is often associated with new beginnings, setting intentions, and manifesting goals. Many people believe that the energy of the New Moon can amplify their intentions and desires. As a result this makes it an optimal time to set new goals and manifest positive changes in various aspects of life.

To practice New Moon manifesting, take some time to reflect on your desires, set clear and specific intentions, and visualize your goals as already achieved. It can be helpful to use tools like vision boards, journalling, or meditation to aid your New Moon manifesting session.

Combining the two:

Combining New Moon manifesting with Reiki can be a powerful way to amplify your intentions and manifest your desires. During a New Moon, the energy is especially conducive to setting intentions, therefore by incorporating Reiki into your manifesting you will amplify the effect.

In addition the Reiki energy will help you clear blockages, release any negative energy or limiting beliefs that may be hindering your manifestations, and infuse your intentions with positive, healing energy. Most importantly, if you have been attuned to the Reiki energy, you can use the symbols and techniques to further enhance your manifestation meditation or visualization. This will allow the energy to flow to your intentions more effectively.

Remember that the effectiveness of these practices may vary from person to person, and it’s essential to approach them with an open heart and a clear intention. Whether you choose to combine New Moon manifesting with Reiki or practice them separately, they can both be valuable tools for personal growth, healing, and manifestation.

5 ways to act in an emotionally intelligent way when confronted with mean behaviour

Dealing with mean behaviour can be challenging, but responding with emotional intelligence can help diffuse conflicts and maintain your composure. Here are five ways to act in an emotionally intelligent way when confronted with such behaviour:

  1. Stay Calm and Composed: Maintain your emotional balance by staying calm and composed in the face of mean behaviour. Take deep breaths and avoid reacting impulsively. This helps you think clearly and respond effectively without escalating the situation.
  2. Practice Empathy: Try to understand the underlying reasons behind the person’s behaviour. Often, people who act mean may be dealing with their own insecurities or personal issues. By empathizing with their situation, you can respond in a more compassionate and understanding manner.
  3. Set Boundaries: Firmly and respectfully establish your boundaries. Let the person know that their behaviour is not acceptable to you, and you expect to be treated with respect. Use “I” statements to express your feelings, such as “I feel hurt when you say/do this.”
  4. Use Active Listening: Listen actively to what the person is saying without interrupting. Show that you are genuinely interested in their perspective, even if you disagree. This can help de-escalate the situation and create an environment where they may be more open to constructive communication.
  5. Choose Your Battles Wisely: Not every mean comment or action requires a response. Sometimes, it’s best to ignore minor incidents and not give them the attention they seek. Focus your energy on addressing the more significant issues or conflicts that truly matter to you.

Remember that dealing with mean behaviour may require ongoing efforts, and it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and mental health. If the situation continues or escalates, consider seeking support from friends, family, or a professional counsellor who can provide guidance on how to handle it effectively.

Being a Better Listener

Being a better listener can enhance your emotional intelligence in several ways. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions in the moment, as well as the emotions of others.

Here are a few ways that being a better listener can boost your emotional intelligence:

  • Increased empathy: When you listen attentively to others, you become more attuned to their feelings, needs, and perspectives. This can help you develop greater empathy for others, which is a key component of emotional intelligence.
  • Improved communication: Good listening skills can help you communicate more effectively with others, which can reduce misunderstandings and conflict. This can enhance your emotional intelligence by allowing you to express your own emotions more clearly and understand others’ emotions more accurately.
  • Enhanced self-awareness: Being a good listener can help you become more aware of your own emotional responses and triggers. By observing how others react to different situations, you can gain insight into your own emotional patterns and learn to manage them more effectively.
  • Deeper relationships: Active listening involves paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues, which can help you build deeper connections with others. This can lead to more fulfilling and supportive relationships, which are essential for emotional well-being.

Overall, being a better listener can improve your emotional intelligence by helping you understand and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

By practicing active listening, you can develop greater empathy, improve communication, enhance self-awareness, and build deeper relationships. If this sounds like something that you need to improve upon, let’s chat.