Listening To Your Inner Voice

Listening to your inner voiceAmongst my many sets of oracle cards there are a couple of small and often overlooked sets. These were the precursors of the glossy, very artistic cards that abound on the shelves of bookshops and the like.  Listening to your inner voice in these uncertain times can be difficult as the constant stream of information via TV, radio and internet may scramble the messages. Fear will also hinder listening your inner voice. We are hardwired to respond to danger – you would have heard of the flight, fight or freeze responses that our subconscious mind gifts to when faced with a dangerous situation. Fear is like this virus, quietly acquired and infecting our very thought processes until we manifest the symptoms externally.

UnderstandingToday for this 7th week of intention, I reached out to my ancient (last century) container of Angel Cards. Tiny by today’s standards, but in their simplicity – just one word in beautiful calligraphy and a line representation of an angel – I found an antidote to the fear that had crept up on me.  Feeling incredibly stuck as how to best move forward in a time of uncertainty, the Angel Card that I picked from the container was Understanding.  When paired with a randomly selected card from the little purple box that sits next to the Angel Cards, it made more sense.  The subsequent card from Treasures from Tikashi was the Treasure card! I believe that this card has relevance not only to me, but to you as you read this week’s intention.

“Your life has purpose and meaning that you can value and treasure.

It is time to acknowledge your dreams. Listen to your heart and discover what you really  want!

Be prepared to do what it takes to follow your heart, and you will find your treasure!”

My intention for this week is to: spend more time understanding my calling and purpose, by

gracefully exploring my dreams and creating a space to be nurtured in an amazing and transformative way.