The Importance of Living

Sometimes I come across a book that I have had on my shelves for a while and start to read it. I may find a book that I don’t know why I bought at the time, but eventually the reason becomes clear.
Years ago, before I really knew about homeopathy, I bought a book about it at the university bookshop – it looked interesting and I thought ‘I’ll get around to reading it one day”. little realizing that 5 or 6 years later I would study classical homeopathy for 4 years and it was the beginning of a large collection of homeopathic books!
I love old books. They are often neglected and one day I found an interesting red covered book entitled “The Importance of Living” .
Today this book beckoned from the shelf and ‘fell open’ at a particular page. First one page, then another and once started, and a book which had not been particularly interesting when I brought it home all those years ago, had come to life. All of a sudden it was past bedtime….

On Dreams

Discontent, they say, is divine. I am quite sure, anyway, that discontent is human.

Perhaps after all, philosophy began with the sense of boredom.
…it is a characteristic of humans to have a sad, vague and wistful longing for an ideal.
Living in a real world, man has yt the capacity and tendency to dram of another world.
all of us have the desire to get out of an old rut, and all of us wish to be something else,and all of us dream.

This human trait is undoubtedly due to our power of imagination and our capacity for dreaming. The greater the imaginative power of a man, the more perpetually he is dissatisfied. That is why an imaginative child is always a more difficult child.

… and those dreams of our childhood, they are not so unreal as we might think. Somehow they stay with us throughout our life……and out of the stuff of such magic dreams are woven some of the finest and most beautiful fabrics we have ever seen.