Category Archives: The Art of Stress Management

Person Centred Workshops

At Balance4Life Programs I take a person-centred approach to workshops. This is an approach that prioritizes the needs, perspectives and lived experience of the participants in designing and delivering the workshop. This means that each workshop series is different to previously delivered workshops.

By recognizing that every participant is unique, with their own experiences, values, and preferences, I seek to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where each participant can feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.

Workshops at Balance4Life programs include:
Tailoring content

Rather than presenting a generic workshop, a person-centred approach involves designing the content of the workshop based on the specific needs and goals of the participants.

This may involve conducting a Social + Emotional Intelligence assessment or learning style assessment prior to the workshop to identify the areas of focus that would be most relevant and meaningful to the participants. Content is regularly reviewed to enable all participants to have a positive learning experience.

Encouraging participation

A person-centred approach encourages active participation and engagement from the participants, rather than a passive learning experience. This can involve incorporating activities, discussions, and exercises that allow participants to share their own experiences and perspectives, and to learn from each other.

Creating a safe space

To facilitate open and honest communication, it’s important to create a safe and supportive environment in the workshop. This can involve establishing ground rules for respectful communication, providing opportunities for confidentiality, and acknowledging and validating participants’ feelings and experiences.

Being flexible

A person-centred approach recognizes that participants may have different learning styles, preferences, and needs, and seeks to be flexible in accommodating these differences. This can involve providing multiple options for activities or exercises, or adapting the pace or structure of the workshop based on feedback from participants.

Overall, a person-centred approach to workshops is beneficial in creating an inclusive, supportive, and empowering learning experience for participants. By prioritizing the needs and perspectives of the participants, each workshop can be tailored to meet their unique needs and goals, and facilitate their personal and professional growth.