Cut the Cords

“Cut the cords from those who are really in your life 100% for them, not you.”

Steve Miller

At the end of those cords are either hooks embedded into your energetic field or anchors dragging you down.  To cut the cords from those who are hooking into and using your energy takes some awareness of our energetic fields.  We all have an energetic field and it is many layered. The simplest explanation is that these fall into 3 main categories – the physical, astral and spiritual planes. Cords can be attached in any one of these areas.

cutting tiesHave you ever been in the presence of someone who radiates negative or heavy energy? Like a parasite they are unconsciously looking for a host. They will hook into your energy without hesitation and it’s all about them – not you. Then there is what are described as “energy vampires”. They are not always a stranger to us. Many are close family members or friends that unintentionally feed on your caring nature.  Dr Judith Orloff has written extensively about how to deal with them, with the suggestion to surround yourself with as many positive like minded people as possible to repel them.

However if you have one of these invisible cords attached – not only does the cord have to be cut, but you have to remove the hook.  When training Reiki students, we always go through a process to remove these cords and return them to their owner – with love and gratitude for the lessons we have been given.

In conclusion there are of course some cords of attachment that you might like to have remain. These are the cords between soul mates and loving and supportive people in your life. Having healthy boundaries and a regular check in on your energy levels will go a long way in ensuring that you don’t need to cut the cords too often.