Tag Archives: release

Create Space

Create spaceFollowing on from last week’s post, once we let go of what no longer serves us, we can create space. Why do we need to create space? Because from energetic and Feng Shui  points of view, clutter is what obstructs the free flow of energy. Clutter that remains can be physical or emotional. Who has a kitchen drawer full of utensils that might be used just occasionally? When was the last time you used that fancy melon baller? If it was longer than six months ago, it is most likely to be clutter.

Setting your intention to clear and create space for the new to come in can be emotionally challenging. I have boxes of books that I inherited from my deceased parents that I open only very occasionally. I admit that they are clutter and in going through them and dispatching them to somewhere where they may be appreciated, I will not only clear some physical space but the emotional attachment from hanging onto them.

In fact, you can physically create space for yourself by finding a pleasant nook in the garden or somewhere in the house that is just yours. Plant some fragrant flowintentioners or a shady shrub with a comfortable space to sit and contemplate. For the interior, decorate your space in colours and furnishings that please you.

This card from the Enchanted Map oracle deck has a beautiful message. ” Deliberate, clear intentions have the power to change your world”.  Colette writes further that “the good intentions of others will inspire you to send out beautiful ones of your own.”

The intention for this week is to: release the need to hold onto things from the past that no longer serve me.

Release What Hasn’t Worked

IntentionBuilding on last week’s intention to focus on a healthier lifestyle, I have started to release what hasn’t worked for me in the past and the current energy of the February New Moon is an ideal time to do this. Building a healthier lifestyle is not only about food, it’s also about mental, emotional and spiritual health. Mentally – it’s checking in on what I’m focusing on. Am I thinking positively or have I got myself into a spiral of negative or unhelpful thoughts? Emotionally – it’s about checking in to make sure I am acting (or re-acting) in an emotionally intelligent manner. Spiritually – am I making time to nurture my soul?

Release what hasn't workedI love the message that this oracle card gives. When you release the negativity and the investment in an outcome, it may seem miraculous, but opportunities open up. You can choose to allow the universe to assist you on a spiritual level or use a coach or therapist to work to remove and release your subconscious beliefs.

A quick look through my vision book from several years ago, showed me that I have been setting goals that haven’t been reached – either because they were too unrealistic or didn’t align with my true purpose or I have unconsciously sabotaged myself in some way.

My intention for this week is to:  Release unhelpful habits and beliefs through coaching with a trusted colleague.


Cut the Cords

“Cut the cords from those who are really in your life 100% for them, not you.”

Steve Miller

At the end of those cords are either hooks embedded into your energetic field or anchors dragging you down.  To cut the cords from those who are hooking into and using your energy takes some awareness of our energetic fields.  We all have an energetic field and it is many layered. The simplest explanation is that these fall into 3 main categories – the physical, astral and spiritual planes. Cords can be attached in any one of these areas.

cutting tiesHave you ever been in the presence of someone who radiates negative or heavy energy? Like a parasite they are unconsciously looking for a host. They will hook into your energy without hesitation and it’s all about them – not you. Then there is what are described as “energy vampires”. They are not always a stranger to us. Many are close family members or friends that unintentionally feed on your caring nature.  Dr Judith Orloff has written extensively about how to deal with them, with the suggestion to surround yourself with as many positive like minded people as possible to repel them.

However if you have one of these invisible cords attached – not only does the cord have to be cut, but you have to remove the hook.  When training Reiki students, we always go through a process to remove these cords and return them to their owner – with love and gratitude for the lessons we have been given.

In conclusion there are of course some cords of attachment that you might like to have remain. These are the cords between soul mates and loving and supportive people in your life. Having healthy boundaries and a regular check in on your energy levels will go a long way in ensuring that you don’t need to cut the cords too often.