Grand Conjunction

Certainly a once in a lifetime experience as the Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Venus came together at the Summer Solstice. Mixed feelings as the clouds increased and the heavens opened with a heavy downpour at the very time that this Grand Conjunction of planets was to take place. As I sat there after my meditation contemplating the rain, it occurred to me that this in itself was a cleansing – particularly for Melbourne after months of lockdown.

This afternoon, in between showers, I ventured out into the garden. The light was that soft golden light that comes after the rain……. delicious! A little flash of white movement caught my eye and the tiniest butterfly alighted onto a nearby bush. I had my phone with me, and as happens so often as soon as I went to take a photo, a light breeze sprang up. I waited and then…… the planets aligned and I took the photo!

Grand Conjunction butterflySuch a delicate creature and it stayed there after I sent it some Reiki to let it know that I wasn’t a predator.

What a wonderful metaphor for this time of change! Many astrologers have predicted that this is a time of great spiritual awakening and change.

What better to represent this than a butterfly? It has spent time as a caterpillar – probably not the most attractive sight – gone into “hibernation” in its cocoon (as we did during lockdown) and emerged as this beautiful creature. Eyes wide open and antennae picking up what’s new.

Metaphysically, the butterfly is the symbolism of transformation, spiritual rebirth and we are already changing the way we live, work and play as a result of the global pandemic, political changes and a sense that we need to renew our connection with nature. It is also said that when a butterfly appears, there are angels nearby ready to help you should you ask.

So, are you still evolving in your cocoon and that’s OK as you spiritually prepare for what’s coming, or areĀ  you ready to spread your wings after this Summer Solstice?