
What exactly is intuition? A question I had to answer when doing my Art Therapy studies last year…. my answer was as follows….

intuitionBy paying attention to our intuition – or “gut feelings” we are able to bypass conscious thought or “rational thinking” and trust in the information that we receive.

It is said that intuition is the language of the spirit and when we listen carefully to it, it opens up our further spiritual development.

There was a moment when I didn’t pay attention to my intuition and deferred to the opinion of a respected professional. You may find a post about that some 8 or 9 years back. The result was that the Universe conspired to give me a lengthy period of “time out” where all  I was able to do was to sit and observe for a couple of months. This allowed me to open up to spiritual development as the most strenuous activity I could do was to read books and reflect. I can certainly recommend listening to your intuition first.