Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings to all. If you are one of the many who find this time of year difficult, keep in mind the following wisdom from Arthur Ashe:

Start where you are.

Use what you have.

Do what you can.

Stay in the moment. If you find yourself a little anxious at a gathering, focus on 3 things you can see or hear or touch. Do it quickly and as often as needed.

It’s OK to say “No”.  No to extra helpings if you are full, no to demands on your time and energy. By saying no, there is the opportunity for you to say yes to something else – like your peace of mind.

For some there will be an empty chair at the table this year. Focus on the happy memories – it’s  OK to laugh and be sad at the same time. Acknowledge your emotions, rather than stuffing them back down. Rescue Remedy is a  wonderful thing to have on hand at this time.

Remember to breathe….. deep breathing will help you to still the stress response.

Vulnerability - strength or weakness