Tag Archives: Past Life

Soul Based Hypnotherapy

Soul-based hypnotherapy is an approach to hypnotherapy that incorporates spiritual or metaphysical elements. It is based on the belief that the soul is the essence of an individual and is the seat of one’s deepest desires, motivations, and purpose.

AwarenessIn soul-based hypnotherapy, you are guided into a relaxed state of consciousness where you can access your deeper subconscious and connect with your soul. Through this connection, you can gain insight into your life’s purpose, understand your inner inspiration, and release any blockages or limiting beliefs that are stopping you from living your best life.

Soul-based hypnotherapy can be used to address a number of concerns, including anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and career matters. It can also be used for personal growth and spiritual development including exploring past lives.

Agreements, contracts and vows

What do these mean to you?

An agreement is usually a decision that has been made about some future action that you, and others, will take. It can be as formal as a legal document or as informal as a conversation about which movie to watch. Often it will require some discussion or compromise, so that all involved feel that the agreement is fair. You may have a mental image of how your agreement will work; it could be clearly expressed and with all options considered. A contract on the other hand, is usually more formal and whilst it can be spoken, is most usually written down and the conditions are described in detail and generally enforceable by law. A vow is distinctly different – it’s a promise – often made to yourself or a higher power/deity – and has the feel of being sacred.

So what’s important about agreements, contracts and vows?

From a metaphysical and soul life perspective, each is distinctly different. You may have heard about soul contracts. These are where you and another have made a binding agreement to bridge across several lifetimes. A client who came for a Past Life session discovered that he had a soul contract with his now ex -wife over many lifetimes. Each lifetime had ended in tragedy for one or the other. He released the contract and they are now living happy, independent lives.

A soul agreement can be likened to catching up with old friends from time to time. You agree to meet at a designated time and place and then carry on with the rest of your life. (or lives as the case may be)

Agreements, contracts and vowsA vow can also carry over many lifetimes. I see it often with clients who are drawn to the healing arts and are struggling to make ends meet, yet they know that what they are doing is valuable. Getting in touch with a past life, we discover an account of a life as a mystic, monk or nun who had taken a vow of poverty, denying themselves creature comforts or close relationships as they sought to serve others and tend to spiritual needs. These vows need to be reviewed and set aside if they are no longer relevant to this lifetime.

Like gardeners tending an unruly hedge of climbing plants, we seek out those tendrils and runners that will inhibit this year’s crop of flowers and prune them so that we can experience abundance.

If you suspect that you have an agreement, contract or vow that has carried forward from a past lifetime that no longer serves you, then you can do a simple and effective exercise to complete or finish it.

Find a space where you won’t be disturbed for a little while and get into a meditative state. Check in with your subconscious by setting an intention to remove or finish up this issue. Once you are settled, tell yourself that the agreement, contract or vow has now finished and is complete. You may wish to visualise yourself cutting the tie to it or shredding the contract… whatever makes it feel finished. Tell yourself that this no longer blocks your progress in endeavours that you undertake in this lifetime and allow yourself to feel grateful for the abundance that can now flow to you in this lifetime.

If you would like help in removing these blocks at a deeper level, then of course you can contact me and we will do a similar process with some extra energetic help along the way!