Category Archives: prosperity

A Master Number Day

 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 11 ….. a Master Number Day……. and what an interesting day it has been so far….
This month is a continuation of last year’s quest to simplify and a few activities that I was involved in last year have now been put aside. Just to test me, a possible new venture was put in my path and although the person was quite persuasive, it didn’t sit right.

Business planning for the next 90 days is underway and a review of websites and their content is happening. Pages have been deleted and templates changed.  A quick break for a cup of tea and a refill of the water bottle and back to the office……and just after I had entered the room….. an almighty crash!! Two certificates fell to the floor…… two others, above and below stayed secure on the wall. No glass broken… and another tenant came rushing out to see if I was OK.
A quick spray of space clearing essence and then some clearing work to be done as a couple of things have moved in the past week or so and my sacred bamboo has suddenly turned up its toes and terminally wilted.

My timetabled study done, another break was beckoning. This time I decided to consult the cards ……Using the Rider Waite deck, the following 3 turned up. I don’t consider myself a Tarot reader  to read for others, but I will turn the cards for myself.

In the context of my life at present, I found it interesting that I picked up a card with a garden or agricultural background.

Currently sowing the seeds of new beginnings, I will tend these seeds carefully so as to be rewarded with a good harvest.

I also see this as holding the foundations of future abundance as I begin to follow my soul’s path.

The second card I drew was the 3 of Swords.
Initially when I looked at it first I saw only the Heart, then the piercing of it with the 3 swords.
A validation that the ending of several draining relationships was literally, in the cards!
A time of release…. and time to focus on recovery by letting go and moving on.
Explains the deep sadness that has enveloped me the last couple of days….

I had to laugh to myself when the third card revealed itself…. The Fool!
Carrying a bag of tricks  on his shoulder, if one should look inside, I’m sure it contains powerful dreams and gifts

Stepping out and beginning a new journey, the challenge is to maintain balance on what seems to be a narrow path, yet maintain an equilibrium between heaven and earth. I’m always needing to be more grounded!!

The small white dog seems to protect yet push the boundaries of the traveller who seems to be appreciating the beauty of the journey – sun shining and mountains in the distance. With face turned heavenward to better receive the information of the gods and yet treading lightly upon the earth, this card seems to me to be a signal to confront any fears and trust that I will take the next step safely.

Only today, I noticed that the card has a zero at the top. Starting with nothing and creating the endless possibilities contained within a circle? Or “O” for optimism?

A pleasant interlude and the creation of a space to share my personal interpretation of the cards.

Healing through readings

Every so often I have a need to go to the Oracle cards for clarity.
My favourite style of reading is to select a number of cards from different decks, place them in a grid and then read them. Jotting down the messages from both the pictures and the accompanying booklets and then typing them up.
Quite amazing how a message will jump out – the same message from different decks providing an affirmation that Spirit is wanting to pass something on!! A quick “cut and paste” will arrange the main points coherently….

Those who know me, will be aware that the last few months have been difficult to say the least …..

Intellectually I thought I was prepared for Dad to move into a different realm and was blessed to have conversations with him as he did so. He described walking into a large open space, with lots of lights and some people coming to greet him.

Perhaps now I will do the Lives between Lives Hypnotherapy training!
What I wasn’t prepared for, was the physical effects of the grief.
The emotional roller coaster and the fatigue. I have found myself struggling to maintain a positive physiology and just the other day, this was brought to my attention when an acquaintance, who is a shaman, came into the tearoom and asked if I was OK.

I haven’t been to the cards for myself for a while and today I was drawn to do a reading before starting work on a presentation for next week and am sharing it here.

I used 3 packs – Collette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map, Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards  and Ascended Masters.

Know that it is safe to teach and at the same time be open to new ideas. Overcoming the previous difficulties and challenges have made you stronger. Your experiences are not a single story, but they filter into one another. 
Teach others from this experience and teach topics that awaken your passion. 

Good fortune, ambitions will be fulfilled as you enter into a time of happiness long overdue.
Everything is connected through the universal flow of consciousness and this connection will allow synchronicity to work its magic.  
When you use clear and focussed intention and have positive expectations the inspiration will flow and you will become a channel for inspiration.
Live deliberately and with focus. 
Trust in the inner knowledge – embrace it and trust…

Meditate, use clear and focussed attention to reach inner peace. 

Let go of self doubt and ignore the critics and skeptics and know that Spirit is supporting you, 

even if there are people around who are not.
Abundance will come through living life authentically.
 Listen to your heart’s truth.