Tag Archives: spirituality


Orbs  or flashes of light in photos can be interpreted in many ways. I find it fascinating and it intrigues me when I discover that I’ve taken a photo that appears to have an orb in a photo.  I often get a glimpse of something just out of range of normal vision and when I turn my head there is nothing there.

Some believe that this can indicate a spiritual presence, a manifestation of energies and symbolic. The presence of orbs can be symbolic of Spirit Guides or Angels or even deceased family members or loved ones. Another explanation is that they are flashes of condensed energy appearing in locations where there is heightened spiritual energy.

Scientific Explanations

While many people attribute metaphysical meanings to orbs, it’s also important to consider scientific explanations:

  • Dust Particles: Orbs can often be caused by dust particles, moisture, or insects reflecting the camera’s flash.
  • Lens Flares: Reflections or lens flares can create orb-like effects in photographs.

Either way, the interpretation is deeply personal.

Colours and Meanings:

Different colours of orbs are often associated with different metaphysical meanings. For example:

  • White or Clear Orbs: Often seen as positive, representing purity, truth, and spirituality.
  • Blue Orbs: Associated with calmness, peace, and spiritual guidance.
  • Green Orbs: Linked to healing, love, and connection with nature.
  • Red Orbs: Might indicate strong emotions, such as anger, passion, or warnings.

I’ve seen orbs when using old fashioned film and SLR cameras, but more frequently with digital cameras and phone cameras.  They seem to pop up in the most unusual places.

This photo was taken at the June Full Moon (just a day after the Winter Solstice) and I was taken by the shimmering on the leaves as well.

I had spent the day in working on creating a spiritual workshop and meditating on the various activities. It was quite late at night and the temperature was dropping rapidly towards -1’C.

No doubt the halo around the moon was due to the atmospheric conditions and a forecast of the coming frost or it could simply mean that my iPhone camera doesn’t take good moonlight photos!

This next photo was taken in Hobart about 14 years ago after having spent some time with my Reiki Teacher. We had spent the day having lunch and deep discussions about Reiki energy. I felt that the energy around the sailing ship had something to do with this orb. On the other side of the harbour was the Greenpeace ship, the Sea Shepherd and no orbs.  Such a contrast in styles of both ships and their energies.

My interpretation is that orbs are spiritual manifestations as they only seem to appear on my camera after I have meditated or am grounded and aware of my surroundings.




Soul based coaching

soul coachingEach person has a unique soul or spiritual essence. Connecting with this essence can lead to greater fulfillment, purpose, and happiness in life. When you explore and develop your spiritual and inner self it creates the opportunity to live a more heart centred life and create a more fulfilling life.


Where to start?

There is a famous saying “Every journey starts with a single step”. There are times where we need someone to guide us on that journey or offer a helping hand to take that first step, to give us clarity about our destination.  Below are ten steps that may help you to start out:

Exploration of Inner Self:

Soul-based coaching often begins with introspection and self-discovery. I work with clients to explore your beliefs, values, passions, and inner desires. This exploration can help you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Spiritual Growth:

Spiritual coaching encourages you to develop your spirituality and connect with a higher power or source of meaning. This can involve exploring different spiritual practices, such as meditation, mindfulness or energy healing.

Alignment with Purpose:

A significant focus of this coaching is to help you to support your actions and decisions with your true purpose and values. This can lead to a more meaningful and purposeful life.

coming out of hibernationMind-Body-Spirit Connection:

Soul-based coaching often emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. I may guide you in making healthier lifestyle choices and adopting practices that support your overall well-being.


Through self-awareness and spiritual growth, you may experience personal transformation. This can involve letting go of limiting beliefs and patterns, healing emotional wounds, and embracing positive change.

coachingGoal Setting:

While soul-based coaching is focused on inner growth, it also helps you to set and achieve meaningful goals that are aligned with your values and purpose.

Support and Accountability:

Having someone to provide a supportive and non-judgmental space for you to express your thoughts and feelings makes the process easier. When you are accountable for taking action toward your goals and personal growth, you are more likely to turn your dreams into winning goals.

A Holistic Approach:

Soul-based coaching takes a holistic approach to well-being, addressing the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of a person’s life. Having an experienced guide to navigate this journey makes all the difference.

Tools and Techniques:

The program may use a variety of tools and techniques, such as visualization, journaling, art therapy, guided meditation, and energy healing, to facilitate the transformation process.

AwarenessEthical Considerations:

These are important in soul-based and spiritual coaching to ensure that your beliefs and values are upheld while maintaining professional boundaries.

It’s important to note that soul-based and spiritual coaching results can vary widely depending on your background, approach, and beliefs.

Art and Spirituality

There has been a long relationship between art and spirituality. Early civilizations used art to make sense of events around them. It was also a way to record the culture of the time. Over time, the various civilizations and their spiritual life evolved.  Art became the means of expressing  their spiritual, philosophical and cultural concepts.

A Balanced LifeThe action of creating the artwork was and still is a deeply rewarding endeavour. When an artist connects with their inner self they  are able to bring forward insights and themes in the images for others to appreciate and to reflect upon.

Furthermore, the action of creating the artwork is a meditative and often spiritual experience can lead to an inner understanding of self.


By using meditation as a precursor to an art therapy session, the conscious mind is stilled and in this stillness, there is the opportunity to access the subconscious mind with less resistance.

A short, relaxation meditation provides a safe and supported place for you to enter into a quiet space.  Whilst in this space, you can create or produce images that come from your subconscious mind. So too, the process can lead to creative problem solving.

A Blank Mandala to download and enjoy.

5 steps to overcoming overwhelm

  1. When you are in overwhelm, it is helpful to think about what it is that you can do right now. By looking at the task as a whole and believebreaking it down into smaller, achievable tasks and thinking small for a moment, you will accomplish more. If there is a lack of movement in your life, consider how you can best use this time to move forward. When you have done that, look at today as the beginning of something new and positive, whilst letting go of the past.
  2. Declutter… you know the old adage…..” a tidy desk equals a tidy mind”…. But it’s more than that.. as you declutter; not only your desk, but your life… you free yourself to see a clear horizon and perhaps to answer your life purpose… Acknowledge that the journey is difficult at times. What skills, abilities do you already possess that will enable you to accomplish the tasks ahead? Look at what is positive in your life already……and try to go one day without any complaints….
  3. Believe in abundance. Trust that you can contribute to the Universe … to feel fear and lack is human…. Go into that feeling and learn from it and trust in the process of life…. map out on paper – or a white board – all the good things in your life already… we learn through the hard work that we do. Use your logic, your intuition and your spirituality to infuse your feelings so you become stronger and clearer.
  4. Consider your strengths…..see the light in others and see it reflected in you…..Use your experiences to make yourself stronger and more resilient. Be aware of self deception, we all make good and bad choices, but what is important is to be aware that they are yours…..
  5. Rest and relaxation. Are you getting enough rest or downtime? To do your best you need to have some time out. As written in the Four Agreements, “ You are alive , so take your life and enjoy it…” Set an intention to be in a state of joy and happiness, tune out anxiety and the daily worries to allow a space for enthusiasm and balance to be a part of every aspect of your life.