Category Archives: Education

Open Heart

BlossomGood, healthy food is necessary to nourish the body and in the same way, good, healthy friendships nourish the heart.

To be “open hearted” is often forgotten in the whirlwind of setting up a business. In the birthing of a business, there can be tremendous creativity, excitement and a sense of hope as one moves towards realizing a dream and one can forget about nurturing your spiritual side.

Not all you the people you meet will be competitors. You may hear negative comments about your idea and yes, these may wound your psyche if you allow it. In this case, you will need to make a decision about whose advice you are going to take – which could be difficult if it is someone close.

When you contemplate and plan your business direction, notice if you feel a spark of passion, a sense of excitement and a feeling that you will be able to overcome any obstacles to fulfilling your dream. It is unfortunate that there are people on this earth that take delight in others misfortune, but remember, this stems from their envy and greed.

An oft quoted saying is ” that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” and staying open to this idea will allow you to accept genuine acts of kindness when they are offered. Moments like these can be magical. There is a mystery, a synchronicity to being “open hearted”.

Listen and learn.

You may make mistakes, but these are opportunities to learn and grow.

Have gratitude for the opportunity to make mistakes and be like the Ancient Wise Ones who believed  that a successful life comes from a love of genuinely loving what you do and what you are. When you follow your heart and listen to that inner wisdom, you are awakening a higher power within yourself.

Expand your awareness and let the Universe provide you with the signs that you are taking the right steps. Look beyond the obvious, and occasionally just stay still and let things unfold as they should.

Notice the little things, sharpen your senses and wonder at the beauty around you. As you do this, notice your purpose in the grander scheme of life. Enhanced awareness helps you to rejuvenate your entire sensory system and taking the time to do this will enable you to face problems with greater ease and make intelligent decisions. Standing in integrity with the intention to achieve your dreams will attract others  to you with a similar mindset and an open heart.

How are you feeling?

how r you feeling Ever wondered why FaceBook is so popular?

It asks you each time you log in..

. “How’s it going?…..How are you feeling?

……I’m feeling fine, thanks!

But what if this was the only time you were asked?

What if …. your nearest and dearest didn’t ask similar questions?

…or stick around for a reply…..

Clever, almost subliminal questions that will get a lonely person disclosing more information than they probably should.

We all have a need to feel that we belong …. it’s part of our tribal archetype…..

hows it going

What are you doing – right now?

A slightly different level of questioning – assuming that you want to tell your friends and acquaintances that all is OK.


With this question, I reckon more BS or “smoke and mirrors” is generated.. ….

No-one wants to be thought of as a “non achiever”!

On the flip side, do you really want to be  reading all about the latest issues of your real friends. Stories abound  of people dumped and finding out via social media….

Facebook is one of the few places where everyone is a winner.. especially if all your “friends” are coaches…..!

Masters of spin,  mistresses of the re-frame……

Call me a cynic….

I do love the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes…… for those of you who are not familiar with it check it out……

Are you doing what you want?

Life is too short to fit in all the things I would like to do – either I’m going to have to be an active senior or come back again for another lifetime!
Right now, I am doing what I love.
Some writing, some creating, seeing clients for Reiki and Hypnotherapy……& loving it!
Easily distracted by the next, new, bright shiny thing- just like a magpie – has led me on some fascinating journeys.
There is always something interesting to do and have explored many paths, all of which have taken me to exactly where I needed to be at the time and put me in touch with those I needed to meet….

A change in careers is not a problem – I have done it several times and will hopefully keep learning about new things for  many more years to come. Nothing like keeping the brain cells active!
There have been times when there hasn’t always been all the money I would have liked to have, but somehow the universe has always provided.
I see people who are profoundly unhappy doing what they think they should in order to please others. See their souls being gradually become drab and listless
….are you doing what you want?
If not – why not?


wb051432Daily practice is what gets the results.

Most of the time we have good intentions and start a practice, but all too frequently I hear clients saying that  “Something came up” and they couldn’t continue.

It is precisely at those times that a good meditation practice is the most helpful. Through a regular practice of meditation, and it really doesn’t matter what style, it becomes easier to clear the mind at times of stress, access creativity and perceive the world in quite a different way.

3 simple steps to setting up your meditation practice will help you to start your practice.

At the Crossroads

Are you standing at the mid-life crossroads and wondering about going back to study?

If you know what you want to study, then that’s a start, but if you have been busy with bringing up the family or working to put food on the table, then the choices out there can be overwhelming.

There are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • For what purpose am I doing the study?
  • What will it get me?
  • Is it for pleasure?
  • To extend my mind?
  • To recreate my job into a vocation?
  • What level course do I need/want to do?
  • Can I trust the organization that is providing the course to deliver?

As with most big decisions, research is the key.

Firstly, be clear about your purpose in returning to study.

Next, ask another question.  “What will it give me in the long-term?”

Sometimes a non accredited, industry specific course, recognized by a peak body is worth more than a course from an RTO and will save your wallet thousands of dollars in the long-term.

Not all providers are equal.

It’s pretty much a case of Caveat Emptor – Latin for “Let the buyer beware”.

It is easy to be seduced by the glittering promises of a course that will enable you to earn a dazzling income – only to find out that you continue to spend your hard-earned dollars on upsizing courses as you reach out to grab yet another carrot dangled in front of you.

Research or shopping around can also save you months of study time.

The jobs market is full of job seekers who find that they are “over qualified” for the positions they have applied for. When you are starting out, an introductory course or weekend taster, if it is available is a good way to get a feel for the course content or provider.

Some TAFE courses lead to credit transfer points to Certificates, in turn leading to credits for higher qualifications, which can be handy. Sometimes all you need is a Certificate grade course to get entry into a field that you find fulfilling.

A case in point is a client, whom I shall call Beatrice.

Beatrice enjoys studying and the challenges sometimes presented. She qualified as a teacher after leaving school and in between teaching and raising a family of 3 boys, she managed to complete her Masters Degree in Education and gain more post-graduate qualifications in librarianship as well as a second Masters Degree in Management.
Her marriage fell apart when she was in her mid 50’s and she needed to return to work full-time to support herself. Interview after interview ….”Too qualified”.

After some Crossroads Coaching , she discovered that what she really wanted to do was to something new and exciting, so she signed up for a Certificate IV in Hospitality with plans to run her own boutique tea house.

The course gave her the skills to move into a different, practical area, quite removed from her teaching experience although her existing time management and people skills are valuable assets.

The coaching gave her the clarity to find out what it was she really wanted to do and the courage to move on.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life


Taking care of your Etheric self

Everyone has energy fields around them, and unfortunately, some people’s energy fields will impinge on you.
This may be unintentional or deliberate.
When working with clients and associates, it is important to set an intent to keep yourself safe and healthy.
Understanding the Energy system and its many layers will enable you to stay balanced.
If the body is balanced, this includes the physical, metabolic, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, then the Aura or energy field surrounding the body will be strong and in harmony. 
Being “Centred” then is to be aligned in all these areas. If you are scattered or engage in toxic behaviours/habits, then it will be harder to be well defended against other energy fields.
Meridians and Nadis are the emotional and physical pathways that form part of the energy storage system that we all have, and are the conduit that extends between, through and around the Aura and Chakras.  Meridians deal with the physical dysfunctions and the Nadis transmit emotional, psychological and spiritual issues. 
The Chakras are “energy doorways” that go through the Auric Field which has a further 7 layers which are connected through the Chakras. Any dysfunction starts out in the Auric Field and will flow back into the physical body. 
Energetic dirt, which can even be ill will directed at you by someone else, will get trapped in the Auric Field.

The Auric Field 

 The Etheric is the densest and is often a grey/blue bio energy and is associated with the Base Chakra, seen close to the body (about 2-3cm)

The Emotional field will be multi coloured and with each emotion experienced will show up as a
different colour and with its own frequency. It is associated with the 2nd Chakra and your inner feelings and is about 7 -10 cm away from the body.

The Mental field will be seen as a soft  yellow/orange colour, more noticeable in people who do intellectual work and is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra. It extends some 20cm out from the body.

The Heart field is part of the causal realm, where all information and energy passes through,  connecting the lower and higher vibrational layers. It is multicoloured, depending on the physical, emotional and mental vibrations and extends up to 30cm out from the physical body. It is connected to the Heart Chakra.

The Etheric blueprint is where we can heal and restore the physical body. The Throat Chakra is linked to it and it will appear as a blue, web like structure some 20-60cm around the body.

The Celestial layer is connected to the Third Eye and allows us to access our intuition and link to client thought and feelings. There is no particular colour, but it appears as light 30-90cm out from the physical body.

The final layer is the Ketheric layer which contains our life plan or soul contracts. It will extend to about a metre out from the body and is linked to the Crown Chakra.

The graphic below explains what is called the “Step Down” of energy. 

Under Attack

Cords, Darts and Dirt
Cords are the result of energy exchange between you and another person and will lodge in the Chakras.
Darts are sudden, sharp, stabbing pains and are lodged in the Aura.
Dirt is the yukky energy often felt in crowded places such as shopping centres.

There are specific removal techniques for each of these as well as general energy treatments such as Polarity Therapy and EMF Balancing Technique – both of which I offer as a therapy.

Can be elementals such as pixies, faeries or sprites and generally have a childish, naughty feel to them. More of a nuisance than a threat.
Ghosts are entities that have chosen not to go to the light or have not yet recognised that they are dead and remain earthbound. They are not highly evolved souls.
Walk ins are spirits that are opportunistic and will use a physical body for their own means or entertainment. They can be multi generational or from past lives and generally are looking to bypass re-birth.
Psychic Vampires – These are individuals that will seek out energy from others. They will “cord” you to access your energy. Remaining grounded and balanced will help contain your own energy. Regular cleansing and cord removal will negate their influence. Sonia Choquette has some excellent articles on how to negate their influence and a quick Google search will turn up many more articles.
Well meaning Healers who have not asked your Higher Self for permission to work can also impact on your energy system and is a form of attack. If you are a healer, then ensure that your energy is contained and doesn’t intrude on others. You can set the intent to reject any unsolicited healing – a bit like being on the spiritual Do Not Call register!

Sorting it out

Learn to protect yourself through grounding and cleansing and this should be done regularly.Daily at a minimum, more if you are around different energies.

Use your morning shower to cleanse both your physical and astral body, by imagining the water washing your aura and carrying away any astral dirt. 
Using Sandalwood soap will also help.
Ground daily – more if you are around people with unbalanced energy. This is done to bring energy away from the past, away from the future into the “here and now”.
Create a clear intent to create a strong and healthy energy field. 
Imagine, sense or feel the red of your Base Chakra, then connect strongly with the earth from this Chakra. You can use single or multiple threads, roots, cords – as you wish to connect your energy to that of the Earth.

When done, seal with gold light, as Gold has a higher vibrational level, to keep safe and pour this energy into and over your body so that you can still remain connected with your loved ones. A lovely visualization is to imagine this gold energy flowing over each of your etheric layers. You can use coloured light, such as the violet flame to transmute negative energy or green for healing.
Sealing with white light attracts more attention from the spiritual realm and can result in more dysfunction, such as Chronic Fatigue.

If you go looking for the “things that go bump in the night” , you are more likely to find them. You may have noticed that when you are thinking of buying a new car, then you will see that make and model more often than before, because that is where you have focused your attention. 

One of THOSE days…..

Have you ever had one of those days when just about everything was just not working for you?

  •  Slept through the alarm clock,
  • got stuck in traffic, 
  • running so late that everyone thought you weren’t coming in,
  • burnt your mouth on the coffee you so desperately needed,
  • realize you had left an important document or report at home on the table where you had put it so you wouldn’t forget it, and on top of all of this,
  • everyone else seems to be in a foul mood.


Can you recognise what kind of state are you in?

State refers to your physiological and psychological responses to a situation.

Psychologically if you were having a day like this, you would probably be a little flustered and distracted, perhaps a little anxious.

How you manage your anxiety is what matters. Your awareness and recognition whether you are feeling anxiety, frustration or relaxation, all contribute to your wellbeing.

  • Are you experiencing events in a hurried, forced or leisurely manner?
  • Do you have particular triggers that cause us to feel in a certain way?
  • What are you picking up from non-verbal communication such as body language or voice tone?

Children often have a build up of excitement, as their birthday or a festive event like Christmas approaches and this is likely to be a state that is pleasurable, enjoyable………

….yet with a hint of anticipatory anxiety.

You may feel relaxed and at ease when the sun is shining because you associate this with holidays and good times, but another person may have a completely different perspective.

Take exams and tests.

You may have done really well as a child all through school, but as an adult when you studied for a test or exam for something that you really were not enjoying, your perception of your ability changed and you developed an anxiety around academic performance.

What is going on in your body while all this happens?

Changes in physiological state include changes in respiration rate, muscular tension, blood pressure, facial colour and temperature changes. Your “flight or fight” response is starting to kick in. Perhaps even a “freeze” response if the event is dire.

Sustained stress, including psychological stressors, will create changes in your physiology and if left unattended, will result in poor health.

Health issues that come about because of ignoring your stress responses are:

As stress increases, so too does the level of Cortisol inside the body. It’s a necessary hormone that the body produces to help us with stress, but too much stress equals too much Cortisol. An excess of Cortisol will raise your cholesterol and blood pressure, leading to Heart Disease. Stress hormones have the effect of thickening your blood, great if you are a warrior and get stuck by a spear or sword – it will slow down your blood loss, but not so good if you are sitting at a desk all day and your arteries begin to clog.

Social stress creates undue stress for many people and the emotions have been known to trigger cardiac events.

Cortisol also encourages fat storage, so if you are stressed about losing the excess kilos you have put on from stress related eating or the stress of dieting, you will continue to pile on the kilos…..

you can see that it’s a vicious circle…..

When you are stressed, you burn fewer calories and you are more likely to consume more food, particularly carbohydrates for quick energy. Unfortunately, this stresses the body further, as too much food is generally consumed, and the excess calories are converted to fat, which accumulates in the abdominal area. More people are turning to surgical solutions, such as the Gastric Band to create a smaller stomach in their quest to reduce weight. Imagine how easy it could be if you could use the power of your mind to do the same thing…….

Modern stress differs significantly in that the battles that we fight are not likely to be fighting the Sabre Tooth Tiger or a Woolly Mammoth, but a traffic jam on the freeway or a mountain of paperwork.

Other metabolic induced changes caused by an excess of Cortisol are:

  • Insulin resistance leading to higher blood sugar levels and Diabetes,
  • Reduced levels of oestrogen or testosterone which decreases the libido,
  • Suppression of immune cells leading to more frequent colds, flu or infections.

Chronic stress results in Cortisol and Insulin levels rising and signalling the fat cells to store as much as possible and hold onto the fat in case of “famine”.

The stressful event doesn’t even have to be real….. just the imagining of what “might happen”, the stress response will be the same.

So if you are overweight and cannot shift those kilos, you now know why.

Quite literally, you can put on weight even thinking about it!

Nature also gives us another hurdle to jump.

As we age, our metabolisms slow and a 50-year-old requires fewer calories than a 15-year-old. We also tend to move less as we age, thus not burning up the calories consumed.

Moderate exercise will relieve us not only of the burden of the excess kilos but also reduces stress, increases muscle tone and bone density. The flip side of the exercise coin is that excessive exercise can create the very stress that it is supposed to relieve, with élite athleteswho over train experiencing increased Cortisol levels, depression and weight gain when they stop training.

Another factor that leads to raised Cortisol levels is lack of sleep.

We are often “wired” in to our TV or computer in the evenings and long into the night. Excitement is provided by the latest “who did it” or action show and it is easy to lose track of time when engrossed in the plot.  Sleep deprivation – meaning less than 6 hours a night – will predispose you to insulin resistance or diabetes. The advent of the industrial age saw a good night’s sleep cut from around 9 -10 hours a night to the 7 or less hours we enjoy now.

Raised Cortisol levels affect the quality of our sleep in so many ways. An inability to relax in the early evening will cause the mind to become active later, resulting in insomnia that in turn results in feeling less than bright during the day. The fatigue that accompanies this cycle of events then leads to anxiety, forgetfulness, confusion and a tendency to more frequent infections. The increase in anxiety is caused by the stress hormones interrupting the function of neurotransmitters in the brain, causing physical changes in the brain.

The longer you go without doing something about stress and your response to it, the more chronic diseases such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Asthma, allergies, Crohn’s Disease and other inflammatory diseases begin to manifest. Therefore, if you have frequent gut or lung ailments it can be an indication that you are not managing your stress well.

Having a strong and supportive social network is a good start to managing your stress.

Exercise will enable the body to use the stress hormones in the way nature intended and managing the mind through meditation will reduce them further.

Naturally, these are simplistic solutions and there is more to managing your stress than these three suggestions, and if you have a medical condition you should continue your treatment and see your medical practitioner.

Call or email to make an appointment for a session on how to reduce your stress.

The unique therapy based coaching sessions will enable you to gain clarity in just a few sessions with the support of natural therapies such as Hypnotherapy, Homeopathy and Reiki should you require them.


In the Southern Hemisphere after an unusual summer, autumn has begun with a series of heavy downpours. Much of country NSW and Victoria have been hit again with flooding for the second year in a row. Small creeks, usually insignificant are now torrents of water and threatening to inundate townships.

Mornings can be grey and misty and as we approach the Vernal Equinox, the length of time between night and day becomes more equal. There is a crispness in the mornings that takes a little getting used to after the warmth of the summer.

As the first of the Autumn Full Moons approach, we can turn our thoughts to manifesting new goals for this season.

These can be goals for improving health and wellbeing, so that the winter months are not spent laid up with colds or flu.

Still thinking of the approaching winter months, plans can be set in place to occupy our minds and to prepare us for a new fresh approach in spring. Take an hour or so to plan the next few months productively.

As you move towards a more introspective mindset, you might want to consider what, if anything has been holding you back. Whilst you are in this meditative state, ask yourself if there is anything that needs to be changed. Is it a habit or an unhelpful memory that can be addressed by accessing your unconscious mind?

How are you going to nurture body, mind and soul?

What gifts are you gathering from this season’s harvest which will nourish you and show you the abundance of the universe?


Transformation is a gradual process.
Look back and see how many changes have occurred, and thank yourself for all the steps you have taken. 
Now may be time for a giant leap of faith, or you may be ready for a journey into the unknown.  
Let go of the past, be free to move on.
Renewal of strength and revitalization is upon you. 
Call upon your heart energy to see you through your transformation.”

Treasures from Tikashi

A couple of weeks since the last posting, but the energy exploration has continued with interesting outcomes.

February 9th was the anniversary of my “cardiac event” and on the 13th, the cardiologist gave me the all clear in regard to the surgery having sorted the arrhythmia.
All good!!
Time to start the renovations!
On the 10th I discovered that the knowledge papers for the course I was doing were due in at the end of January, not September as I had thought. For a brief moment, I thought of giving up, a horrible sinking feeling in my core.
Then I reflected back on what I have achieved in the last 3 years and if I do say so myself, I have done pretty well. A Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, 3 Cert 4’s – Training and Assessment, Coaching, Business, starting a business that is congruent with my values and studying for a Diploma in Coaching.

After a phone call to Student Support, and still feeling dreadful, miserable & contracted within, they told  me that if I could get the papers in by the end of February, all would be OK. Overwhelm for  a moment and again the thought to give up. Change the energy of the thoughts and reframe and see the positive in finishing what I started.
A deep breath – review what I have done and discover that there really isn’t much to finish off and I make a plan and decide to get it all done. A few more moments of procrastination and frustration at the syntax of some of the questions – but finally the 5 papers are finished and all posted by the 23rd! Coffee with a fellow student from the same intake who encouraged and inspired me to finish, then off to the Post Office – Registered mail – let go of outcome and get on with life!!

Backtrack to the middle of the month and part of the renovation and release was to experience a couple of Network Chiropractic sessions.

The first session was one to one and I found it really helpful as it enabled me to let go of the tensions around the heart area from the event and the surgery.
The second session was a disaster. Three others in the room and a crying baby and the chiropractor kept asking if I felt the energy when he was working on someone else. Unfortunately – no! I reckon I am reasonably in tune with feeling energy, but this setting didn’t work for me.
Didn’t feel anything much, except a sore back from lying face down and the thought of repeating the process twice weekly didn’t feel right at all. I came away from the session feeling drained and very unsettled as felt that I had absorbed other peoples “stuff”.

A massage later in the week helped to relieve the back tension and the therapist commented on the amount of heat that I had in my back!
The year of energy exploration continues………………